Registered Office
Unit 12a Beresford Way,
Chesterfield S41 9FG
Registered Company No: 163096
Whistle - Blowing Policy
The Board of Dyson Group plc is committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness and financial accountability. Employees may be the first to know when someone is doing something illegal or improper in relation to the company. The Board of Dyson Group plc takes all malpractice very seriously, whether it is committed by senior managers, staff, suppliers or contractors. This document sets out a procedure by which you can report your concerns.
What sort of activities should I report using this procedure?
It is impossible to give an exhaustive list of the activities that constitute misconduct or malpractice but, broadly speaking, these will be criminal offences or failures to comply with legal obligations such as those connected with health and safety, environmental etc. If you make a report in good faith then, even if it is not confirmed by an investigation, your concern will be valued and appreciated and you will not be liable to disciplinary action. However if you make a false report, maliciously or for personal gain, then you may face disciplinary action.
How do I make a report?
You must make a report in writing specifying as much detail as you can. The Board would normally expect you to raise your concerns internally to either your line manager or their immediate superior. If, under the circumstances, you do not feel comfortable about making a report directly to management, then you can report instead to either the Company Secretary or a director at Dyson Group plc, Unit 12a Beresford Way, Chesterfield S41 9FG. Please say if you want to raise the matter in confidence so that appropriate arrangements can be discussed and made if possible. It will not always be possible to take forward
anonymous reports.
Will Dyson protect my identity if I make a report?
Dyson Group will do everything possible to keep your identity secret, if you so wish. However, there may be circumstances (for example, if your report becomes the subject of a criminal investigation) wherein you may be needed as a witness. Should this be the case we will discuss the matter with you at the earliest opportunity.